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Directed by @filmsbylevi & @codylaplantfilms

Producer: @jeffkopchia

EP: @_mccray

DP: @danielvignal

Gaffer: @type418lighting

Key grip: @arammartirosyan85

1st AC: @philiphoangx

2nd AC: @ethansmithh15

Steadi: @noswayjose

Production Designer: @piliweeber

Art Coordinator: @awnah

Set Dressers: @christopher.hohman @mag_carr

Projection Mapping: @rabcupcorp

Projection Mapping Animator: @heymisternyc

1st AD: @cashonwrap

2nd AD: @jamesrcornett

2nd 2nd: @dre_raffaela

Makeup: @jennartist

Wardrobe: @adesamuel

Driving Friends: @johnnycast_ @courtnipoe

Editor: @damienblue

Colorist: @breezus_christ

Animator: @aniports

Archive Footage: @onehispanic

BTS: @linusandhiscamera

BTS: @simonshotit

PA: @robertarthurmain @brandonhall_

Prod Co.: @muddywater









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